Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picture Time! Images from the first installment of Kingdom Hearts

So here are some images to give you an idea of the characters we discussed in the first instalment.
From the opening movie, and the first playable part in the game, this is an image of the stain glass towers traveled on in the Station of Awakening.

The top of those towers are all designed with stain glass images such as this one of Sleeping Beauty.

Beauty and the Beast.


Snow White.

Just a basic designe with princesses.

Image from the CG movie at the begining of Sora, after the throusands of birds fly away revealing the stain glass tower of Station of Awakening.

Character art with the title art of Sora and his Kingdom Key.

In game render of Sora.

Image of Sora's Kingdom Key Keyblade.

Character design of Riku.

In game render of Riku with his weapon named Soul Eater.

Riku after he becomes completly possessed by Ansem, and holding the Keyblade that was made of the captive princesses hearts.

An image from the opening movie of Riku standing infront of the tidal wave his hand reaching out for Sora.

A CG image of Riku after he reveals himself as Ansem Seeker of Darkness.

Character art of Kairi.

In game render of Kairi.

In game render of Leon (Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII)

Character art of Leon, as you can see he still carries his Gunblade in Kingdom Hearts.

Character art of Yuffie Kisaragi as depicted in Kingdom Hearts (Final Fantasy VII).

In game render of Yuffie.

The only image I could find, artwork of Aerith ( Final Fantasy VII)

In game render of Cid Highwind (Final Fantasy VII), who also makes a appearance as a shopkeeper and Gummi ship engineer.

Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) who fights under the influence of Hades in the tournament held in Olympus Colosseum.

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) makes an appearance in a special tournament in the Olympus Colosseum as well.

The main villain, Character art of Ansem Seeker of Darkness, one thing I would like to point out about his design is the Heartless emblem on his chest.

Ansem and a Creature of Darkness he uses in battle.

An image of the final boss for Kingdom Hearts, this monster is massive and you can actually fly inside it!

One of the Heartless you may encounter.

Power Wild, another Heartless.

One of the Heartless commanders, you face this one in the Deep Jungle.

The Kingdom-D Key, this is the Keyblade at the end of the game when you finally see King Mickey, that he is holding and uses in tandem with Sora's to close the door to Kingdom Hearts. Notice its exact design matches Sora's but the colors are reversed. The blade is gold and the hilt silver, which is backwards on Sora's blade.

An image of Mickey in Kingdom Hearts, the only time you ever see him in the first title.

And lastly, this is an image of the two giant doors that lead into Kingdom Hearts. Our crew would not even come up to the door handles on this door its so big.

This was one of the first original designs for Sora, as he was going to be working with Donald, and Goofy, they thought to make him more animal like. But that didn't stick.

So there was our picture show for Kingdom Hearts. One of the things I forgot to mention in my review is that we also learn that there are natural Heartless, and the ones with emblems who are Heartless that have been created.

So coming up next we have our review of a side story released before Kingdom Hearts II, which I think is still important to the storyline. Originally released for the Game Boy Advance, and later remade for the PlayStation 2, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. 

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