Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Picture Time! Images from 358/2 Days

The Only Final Fantasy character to appear in 358/2 Days, the Shop Owner Moogle.

The cast of 358/2 Days.

Character Art of Roxas.

Image of the game play graphics in game. See how fuzzy it is :(

The in game movies not as bad, showing our trio of the game Axel, Roxas and Xion. All also eating sea-salt ice cream.

Another in game cut scene featuring our trio.

Cover Art for 358/2 Days.

CG character render Xion with Keyblade.

Riku as he appears in 358/2 days, its stated his eyes could not lie so he covered them and exploited the powers of darkness, in which his appearance changed to that of Xehanorts Heartless. Which at the end of the game after he defeats Roxas, the transformation becomes permanent.

CG Character render of Roxas.

Promo art for 358/2 Days.

Xion as she takes on the appearance of the Mysterious Boy while fighting Xigbar.

One of Xion's monster forms as she is the final boss.

Another Xion form.

The final Xion form.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures next up my favorite title Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

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