Monday, September 19, 2011

Kingdom Hearts, the past and the future

With all the titles that have been released it is possible to get the information mixed up. So I would like to take the time to go through the information chronologically and throw some of my personal theories in here of what I think the future holds for new titles in the series. This will contain major spoilers for those who haven't played Birth By Sleep or Coded yet.

Lets start with Birth By Sleep, it is the beginning of everything. Here we have the main antagonist of the story Master Xehanort. We know from the games story and secret reports within the game, that Master Xehanort wants to recreate the worlds, not one in which Light and Darkness are separate but as one in which they go hand in hand. I have to look at this and say you cant have one without the other, and maybe, it is separating them that has caused these events to take place, as the game states, the more light that shines the bigger the shadows get. We also see that he does not fear Darkness but believes that he can control it. We learn that in order to accomplish his goal the X-Blade must be created by one of two ways, recreate the Keyblade Wars, or have the Purest Light and Purest Darkness meet in combat. By the time he discoverers these things, he is already an old man, and now feels he does not have the time or power to achieve these goals. So he attempts to do things the quick way, while at the same time, planning to reacquire his youth.
His Machinations are achieved by one: Removing the Darkness from Ven's heart and creating a being of Darkness, Vanitas. This plan almost backfired as Ventu's heart could not handle the procedure and was dying. Xehanort took Ven to his home (through secret reports we learn Xehanort is from Destiny Island's, which to me seems like an interesting revelation, as our main heroes Sora and Riku are also from here.) to die. But is then surprised for we see here that Ven's heart at this point is connected to Sora's, saving it from shattering. Now once again seeing his plan possible he knows that Ven will not grow stronger in the light training with him and Vanitas, so he takes him to his friend and fellow Master, Master Eraqus who is training two pupils of his own, Terra and Aqua. It is also at this point in which Xehanort can see the possibility of his second plan to achieve his youth, in the form of Terra, who by his desire for power holds darkness in his heart. Darkness Xehanort plans to manipulate.
An unknown span of time takes place and Eraqus invites Xehanort to witness the Mark of Mastery exams to be given to Terra and Aqua, Ven not yet ready for the MoM.
Xehanort feels now is the time to act, and agrees to witness. He also brings up the point that he has seen the darkness in Terra's heart and suggest that they use the more traditional exam.
The exam takes place, with the results of Aqua receiving the MoM, and Terra failing due to being unable to keep his darkness in check during his sparing session with Aqua.
And it is here that the plans are truly set in motion.
The Unversed are released upon the worlds and as Keyblade wielders it is there sworn duty to protect the worlds, more specifically as Eraqus mentions the Princesses of Heart. He grants this task to Terra as an opportunity to show the MoM, he is granted with the task of destroying the Unversed and locating Master Xehanort who has disappeared.
These events we learn are controlled by Vanitas and Xehanort, who is manipulating Terra, in oder to make his darkness stronger, and Ven to make his Light Stronger.
We see the game ends up with these results. Xehanort has possessed Terra, and I also think that Xehanort has chosen multiple hosts, he tells Terra that he may be one of many roads he may choose to take. I also think this can be shown as Braig, who we see consorting with Xehanort to manipulate Terra more, had brown eyes before the final battle and Yellow eyes (the same as Xehanorts) during the final battle.
Ven heart has gone to sleep with the destruction of the X-Blade by himself. We also learn his heart actually resides in Sora.
Aqua has been trapped in the world of Darkness after turning the Land of Departure, into Castle Oblivion, a technique taught to her by her late master, Eraqus by using his keyblade, we see she leaves Ven's body here as only she can properly navigate the castle, others will get lost and loose memories. As we see time passes a little differently in the world of Darkness, shes been wondering through and ends up on the beach in which we see Sora an Riku at the end of KHII, where she meets Ansem the Wise, who tells her about the trouble the worlds have experienced and the Boy who has saved them. Sora.
And this is where we leave off.
We also learn a few details from the secret reports and Xehanorts knowledge.
There are three types of Keyblades, the first two being Keyblades of Light and Darkness, he states that these Keyblades are man made manifestations or counterparts of Kingdom Hearts itself.
The third being an ultimate Keyblade, not being a link to Kingdom Hearts but an equal in power co-existing with Kingdom Hearts, the X-Blade, which can only be created by Two Powers of Light and Darkness colliding.
We learn that the Keyblade can be passed down from Master to student, by way of Terra performing the Transference of Power ceremony on Riku.
And lastly we learn that there are different versions of Kingdom Hearts, the man made version can be made by the collection of hearts, this is the Kingdom Hearts we see in I and II. And the real version which appears over the collision of two powers of Light and Darkness.
The next title in line would be Kingdom Hearts.
In this title it is revealed that, Sora is the new chosen wielder of the Keyblade. While this is the first title not much is really known, we learn that Riku was
"meant" to be the keyblade wielder, and was passed over for opening his heart to darkness. And that Meleficent is trying to find Kingdom Hearts (who from Birth By Sleep we know she learned of its existence from Master Xehanort.) We also learn that Ansem Seeker of Darkness is looking for Kingdom Hearts as well. At the end of the game we see Kairi is a Princess of Heart (along with the other princesses of Disney).
And the game ends with Sora and gang defeating Ansem Seeker of Darkness, Riku being free of his possession gets locked in the world of Darkness with King Mickey, as Mickey and Sora lock the door together.
The worlds return to there previous state with the walls protecting them. (The walls set up after the keyblade war.)
Sora and the gang not being done with there journey continue on.
leading us to the next title in the series:
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
While we don't learn much in the way of the main story line in this title, we do learn of the Organization. And the occurrences take place in the Castle Oblivion, we now know the late Land of Departure, created by Master Aqua.
When we leave off in this game Sora slumbers to regain the memories that Namine messed up, the members of the Organization having been defeated by him, the real Riku who suddenly appeared there from the world of Darkness, and the Riku Replica created with false memories , by Vexen.
Chronologically the next game is Kingdom hearts 358/2 Days:
Featuring Roxas as the main character, we also don't learn much in the light of this story as well. It was mainly made to give more insight to favored character Roxas.
Who we know is Sora's Nobody, which is why he can wield the Keyblade.
Leading us into Kingdom Hearts II, which starts with the player controlling Roxas as well.
Who as the game progresses DiZ, is working to recombine Roxas with his Somebody Sora, so that Sora may awaken and defeat Organization XIII for DiZ.
In this game we learn of the creation of Nobody's, Organization XIII and there man made Kingdom Hearts.
It is also revealed that Xehanort, (the Xehanort we now know has possesed Terra) was the apprentice of the real Ansem, Ansem the Wise (DiZ), who after banishing Ansem to the world of Darkness, Xehanort took his name and threw the worlds into Darkness creating a massive influx of heartless and finding the hearts of worlds and sending them to Darkness.
We learn he was capable of this by turning himself into a heartless (Ansem Seeker of Darkness), as he had such a strong heart was able to retain his self and knowledge. It was this Xehanort (Xehanorts heartless) that was defeated in Kingdom Hearts I. And as we now also know when a person of strong heart is turned into a heartless a Nobody is created too. Thus the creation of Xemna, Xehanorts Nobody whom we defeat in Kingdom Hearts II.
We are left with Sora and Riku, both now wielders of the Keyblade, returning home to  Destiny Islands. As we see they will not get to rest long, as we see Kairi deliver a letter from King Mickey, this letter (from Re Coded and Birth By Sleep) we learn tells Sora the story of Terra, Aqua and Ven and that he is the only one who can save everyone and bring peace once more to the worlds as he is the key that connects everything.
Next in line is Re Coded, where we see lost memories deep within Sora's heart become revealed in Jimminy's Journal. It also reminds Mickey of the adventures he had within the story of Birth By Sleep, so that he could pass along the story to the real Sora.
And thus for now this is all the info collected for Kingdom Hearts, now here is some info from myself that is speculation and also, fact. I have been mostly right about my theories within Kingdom Hearts so far. I predicted when the information first began coming out for KH II after we learned of Nobodys that the Blond Hair Kid (Roxas) was Sora's shell or nobody. A lot of people disagreed with me on this saying, he wields a keyblade and you have to have a heart to wield a keyblade. Well I also now think I can piece together (with the release of BBS) why this is possible. And in the long run I was right! I also was right when I predicted that Xehanort would Possess Terra, which people told me I was wrong about too.

The Ven, Sora, and Roxas connection:
We start with Ven, who connects his heart to Sora's, a special gift that many state Sora has. It is obviously special as he was just born when he connected his heart to Ven's. Then Ven's heart leaves his body putting him in a slumber, his heart needing somewhere to go, resides within Sora who he has shared a connection with. It is my theory that this in its self caused the transference of power that granted Sora his keyblade. I do believe that the keyblade Sora wields is different from the keyblade that Riku was meant to wield, and Riku was just not strong enough to wield it till he could get his darkness equal with his light. Now when Sora released his heart in Kingdom Hearts one, to save and return Kairi's heart to her, was when Roxas was created. Now here is my theory, through the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II, and more so in 358/2 days the question of does Roxas actually have a heart arises. The reason being is he acts differently than other Nobody's, actually showing capability of feelings. Also, the normal Nobody's remember things from there past life and Roxas doesn't. Here is my theory. When Sora's Nobody was created, a portion or all of Ven's heart was taken with the "shell" of Sora's body, which is why Roxas looks exactly like Ven. This trauma causing the memory loss and the ability of Roxas to wield Sora's keyblade. Notice he did not wield Ven's, I think Ven's heart is no longer strong enough to wield his blade. But this also raises the question, Xemnas, the nobody of Xehanort a Keyblade master does not wield, either his keyblade or Terra's? I believe that Sora's blade is also special, after the reveal of the X-Blade we see it is made up of two identical keyblades criss-crossing. These keyblades look just like Sora's, the reason being I think is, when the X-Blade shattered the two blades actually separated. I believe that Sora, received one half while the other resides in Ven's heart.

My theory for the future:
It is my belief that in KH III a few things will happen. I think first that Sora and Riku will find the lost Master Aqua, as she is needed to correctly navigate Castle Oblivion. While at the same time protecting the worlds from Darkness once more. Then, I believe that we will in the long run face many different forms of Master Xehanort. This coming from the idea that he stated to Terra in BBS secret movie, that he maybe one of many paths he may choose to take. Also Master Yen Sid, states that he fears with the destruction of Heartless Xehanort and Nobody Xehanort, that the true Xehanort will return and Sora will not have to face one but many of him, my example being Braig from BbS, who had yellow eyes matching Xehanorts at the end of the game. Resulting in defeat of Master Xehanort, and the freeing of Terra from his control. After this is done it is my belief that Aqua will then take you to Castle Oblivion to free Ven.
Nomura has stated that Kingdom Hearts III will be the end of what he has dubbed the Xehanort Saga, but the story will not end there. He also states that Kingdom Hearts will forever remain Sora's story, so we will never have another main hero other than him.
This has led me to believe that Xehanort was not alone in his actions, it also brings up a question of the possibility of Vanitas not truly being defeated?
But one thing is for sure Sora is special, his keyblade is special and has been told by an unknown voice that he will be the one to open the door to light...

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